It rises, enchanting, in the centre of the village, surrounded by a wide moat of water, and encloses, Precious Pearl, one of the masterpieces of Italian Mannerism, the small room painted by Parmigianino in 1524 with the myth of Diana and greatness. Still intact is the noble apartment of the Sanvitale, counts that kept it until 1948, with furniture and furnishings of five, six, seven and eight hundred, the portraits of several exponents of the family, frescoes and paintings of Felice Banda. And, like the Castellani of the past, from the “optical Camera”, thanks to an ingenious system of lenses and prisms, one can still browse, secretly hiding on the square. Location: Municipality of Fontanellato, 19 km from Parma timetable: from April to October, 9.30/11.30 * and 15/18 *, holidays 9.30/12 * and 2.30 pm/18 *; From November to March closed on Mondays, weekdays 9.30/11.30 * and 15/17 *, holidays 9.30/12 * and 14.30/17 * (* start last visit). Guided tours. Reservation required for groups.
Fontanellato: Market and not only